Today over lunch, I dashed into Target *tar-jay* for a bit of Christmas shopping mixed with a bit of me-shopping. My motivation came from finding a present for my sister as well as this post from Valley Girl about the wrap dress below, and it was only $24.99! This store is amazing. *also available online - click on picture*
I did find my sis a present, too, but it's not clothes or about fashion so I am not posting it. I just wanted to let you know that I did buy something for someone else besides me:) They also have some great coats for only $39.99 - $59.99. Here are a few that I loves. I just added one of them to my Christmas list! *also available online - click on picture*

Cute! I <3 Target.
I never seem to leave Target without buying something. I haven't checked out their coats yet. Maybe I'll have to take a little trip over there tonight. You're a bad influence!
PS&&R: Thanks for stopping by again, and Target is full of so much cute stuff right now!
suze: I love to be the inspiration of shopping:) Bad influence, eh? I don't know ... in high school, all my friends' parents let their kids stay out past curfew only if they were with me. Sometimes we didn't get in until 2 a.m., but it was okay because they were with Ms. Responsible. haha
any word on tar-jay comin' to the great white north eh?
kevyn: I have no report on that, but I wish you did have them there!
No problem- Your blog is fantastic! Your curtains must be pretty amazing. I love animal print (sometimes).
Great pics!!!!! Did you get the dress??? If so, I'm jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were all out of my size. =(
ps&rr: Aww, thanks. actually, the curtains are not animal print. I will have to post about them.
valley g: I did get the dress!!!!!! I am so EXCITED! thanks for tipping me off, and you can get it online if you so desire...
don't you just love Target? **Sigh**
Ok so I was in the middle of posting something and accidentally posted the video from My BF's Wedding - it was actually suppose to be in a post! So now its update! :)
disaster averted
I'm SO going to Tarjay on black Friday for a new coat! Tarjay makes my soul happy.
I'll probably leave there with at least 28 other unplanned purchases.
Oh man, I'm jealous!!!! How does it fit? True to size? You should post pics!!!! The dress is adorable!
lady n: I do love Tarjay!
martini: hmmm, you gave me an idea - maybe I should go to Tarjay on Black Friday to soothe my soul. I bet you will come out with at least 32 unplanned purchases...
valley girl: It does fit pretty true to size. I will post pics! It is oh-so-cute. I wanted to wear it to church, but it's a bit cold where I am right now.
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