You should spend your money on some nice lingerie. Big wool cotton pants, that just doesn't work. You have to feel sexy.
- Heidi Klum
I will use this quote to justify my obsession with Victoria's Secret. I already feel better about the amount of stuff I will purchase during the Semi-Annual Sale in January.
ps&&r: those salesgirls are very persistent, and it is so hard for me to resist when they say. If you buy one more thing, you will get something free. I give in almost every time. The nude lipstick is great!
lindz: i missed the fashion show, and i was so sad about it, but you do gotta love VS
I love their semi-annual sale. Heck I just love VS in general.
I wish I could buy everything in their catalog every time. So instead of feeling depressed that I can't, I just throw it away. It's the devil!
katelin: more than life itself... ha, just kidding, but I do buy way too much there.
martini: ha, ha, ha, i totally throw mine away, too! Satan itself.
What the hell are big wool cotton pants?
wendyb: yeah, i have no clue. She is not that old so she shouldn't know archaic terms...
I love VS- Even though the salesgirls try to rip youu off.
I love Heidi Klum!
Most of the make up from the Angels line is 'autographed' by her. I want the nude lipstick!!!!
That was an amazing fashion show. I am surprised Heidi didn't mention our need for wings though. Gotta love V.S.
Good lingerie is a necessity!
ps&&r: those salesgirls are very persistent, and it is so hard for me to resist when they say. If you buy one more thing, you will get something free. I give in almost every time. The nude lipstick is great!
lindz: i missed the fashion show, and i was so sad about it, but you do gotta love VS
valley girl: spoken from a girl who knows!
you all get that the SPOKESPERSON for the LINGERIE you are supposed to SPEND YOUR MONEY on thinks you are all wearing BIG WOOL COTTON PANTS, right?
she's like the evil bitchy cheerleader talking down to the pep squad.
(just sayin.)
LOL! Yeah I agree with Lindz, we do need wings!
landis: ha ha ha. cheerleaders & pep squads. old navy marketing is so much better:) And they have underwear, too, right?
GG: i only want those intricate and beautiful wings they wear on the fashion show. They are fantastic.
soooo true!
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