... so let me tell you a bit about me.
I was inspired to do this from two of my fave blogettes. Check their posts here and here.
1. What kind of SOAP is in your bathtub right now? Bath & Body Mentha Vitamin Wash, and a bar of soap for when my boy is in town.
2. Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator? NO. This is such a weird question. I almost didn't answer it.
3. What would you change about your living room? I wouldn't change much - it pretty much rocks. If I could, I would make it bigger and paint it some fun color, but I rent an apartment, and there is only so much you can do.
4. Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty? Dirty
5. What is in your fridge? Milk, Eggs, my boy's beer, Cheese, wine, condiments, Malibu Rum, yogurt, grapes, a Pur water pitcher, pineapple...
6. White or wheat bread? Both. I love bread!
7. What is on top of your refrigerator? nothing.
8. What color or design is on your shower curtain? I love it - it has palm trees and part of it is sheer.
9. How many plants are in your home? None. I don't have time for plants.
10. Is your bed made right now? No.
11. Comet or Soft Scrub? Soft Scrub
12. Is your closet organized? Yes, by pants, dresses, skirts, shirts and sleeve length (but every once in a while I have to do a re-haul)
13. Can you describe your flashlight? It's one of those wind-up ones that you can power with your own strength. I love it. My boy's parents gave it to me for Christmas last year, and it is Black & Gold. Go MU Tigers!
14. Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home? Plastic mostly, except for when I have some martinis or wine.
15. Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now? No.
16. If you have a garage, is it cluttered? A garage? I wish, but I would have to pay an extra $50 a month, and I rather spend that money on clothes and wine.
17. Curtains or blinds? both.
18. How many pillows do you sleep with? Four
19. Do you sleep with any lights on at night? No, but I live in an apartment and the outdoor safety lighting filtrates easily into my apartment. I bought room-darkening curtains, but it is still a problem.
20. How often do you vacuum? When it needs it, but sometimes less than that...
21. Standard toothbrush or electric? standard
22. What color is your toothbrush? orange, white and blue
23. Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch? Yes, MU Tigers
24. What is in your oven right now? nothing, but i had cookies in there last night!
25. Is there anything under your bed? Yes, it's just another area for storage when you live in a one-bedroom apartment.
26. Chore you hate doing the most? mopping
27. What retro items are in your home? My rug has geometric shapes.
28. Do you have a separate room that you use as an office? No, I have a one-bedroom apartment - my laptop is on my desk in my living room.
29. How many mirrors are in your home? 6
30. Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home? No.
31. What color are your walls? They are all cream with white baseboards. It is classier than most apartments, but I still wish I could paint them a fun color.
32. Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home? no, but you should see me with a rolling pin - watch out.
33. What does your home smell like right now? Strawberry Patch candle from Bath & Body Works.
34. Favorite candle scent? Hmm, I like several but especially soy candles that aren't too overpowering - peach, fresh scents, strawberry, cinnamon.
35. What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now? no pickles.
36. What color is your favorite Bible? it has a sunset picture on the front.
37. Ever been on your roof? No. i am pretty sure the apartment security people would take me down.
38. Do you own a stereo? No, my laptop is my stereo, unless you count my clock radio, and I don't.
39. How many TVs do you have? 1
40. How many house phones? Zero. I am a cell-phone-only gal.
41. Do you have a housekeeper? I wish. That would be amazing. I would make sure it was some hottie guy, and I would make him work without his shirt on and bring wine for me to drink while i ordered him around. Every girl has a fantasy, right?!
42. What style do you decorate in? Contemporary, modern with a bit of comfort and tradition thrown in.
43. Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints? Solid
44. Is there a smoke detector in your home? Yes, of course
45. In case of fire, what are the items in your house which you’d grab if you only could make one quick trip? laptop, picture albums, purse, phone, my favorite pair of jeans, and my freaking awesome martini glasses. Slightly vain? Yes, I am.
How old am I? Well, I am in my 20s, and that is as far as I am going...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
It's my birthday...
Posted by
glamour girly
9:15 AM
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Happy Birthday! Can't wait for lunch tomorrow!
Happy, happy birthday. Put your party pants on and live it up today!
Happy Birthday, Glamour Girly!! It was fun to read about you! Have a wonderful day.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May this year be better than the last, and may you get everything you wish for! Have a wonderful day!
happy birthday gg! no need to make the bed...it's your day!
I just this whole list through and we have a ton in common!!!! Great minds think alike. =)
Update us on how the b-day festivities are coming and all of the yummy stuff you got!
sorry I got a little excited
great post, nice to learn more about you
big hugs on your bday
sarah: thanks for being such an amazing friend:)
sass: i did put my party pants on!
lady n: Thanks, and thanks for visiting my blog.
VG: Thank you!! Great minds do think alike, and it makes me happy to know that we have a lot in common. I will update today!
Kevyn: I like your way of thinking.
jen: you're the best, and thanks for your excitement and your loyalty to my blog! xoxo
Awesome list. Hope you had a GREAT birthday : )
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