Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I want...

... to let you know that Tom Cruise annoys me. Why?

1. He seemed to treat Nicole Kidman like crap.
2. He looks like a guy I dated in college. Bad memories.
3. He then married sweet little Katie Holmes who is young enough to be his daughter.
4. He quickly impregnated her.
5. He named the baby Suri.
6. Vanilla Sky.
7. He looks as if he is finding his next younger generation chick in this picture.
8. The girls are right to be excited. They could be his next one & only in 10 years.


Valley Girl said...

Dude, Tom creeps me out too. There is just something so ingenuine about him; its like he's always "on."

Dana said...

Hilarious list...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Valley Girl - everything is always fake or "always on" with him. Yuck - Run Katie Run!!!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

word on everything
he needs to let the batteries out of katie and suri and let them be free!

Sarah said...

ha! fun list.

glamour girly said...

valley girl: he is definitely a total fake.

dana: thanks! your thursday thirteen inspired me.

sass: ha, yes, RUN KATIE!

jen: agreed, those poor girls

sarah: thanks:)

WendyB said...

LOL @ 7 and 8. But my husband is old enough to be my father. Am I in trouble with you now? ;-)

glamour girly said...

wendyb: no, you are wonderful with me, especially because you make beautiful jewelry, but also because I am sure your husband is not a creepy fake person like Tom Cruise. In your case, it works; in the case of Tom Cruise, it doesn't:)

WendyB said...

I will testify that my husband doesn't have a toothy terrifying smile or believe in someone named Xenu!

glamour girly said...

wendyb: i knew that would be the case (i have seen your pictures - he is handsome!)

Flair said...

OMG - he annoys me too! There is something so fake and creepy about him! I refuse to watch his movies.