Thursday, May 31, 2007

Swimsuit lovah

I guess I am not the average girl - I love swimsuits (a swimsuit lovah in Sarah Jessica Parker's Sex-and-the-City terms). Next to my overzealous purchasing of cute underwear, I buy too much swimwear. I hardly even go swimming or sunbathing, so my adoration of swimsuits is a little expensive and slightly pointless. Alas, that will probably soon change once I move into my new apartment with a sweet swimming pool. Good thing they have a fitness room, too, so I can (try to) keep myself all trim for swimsuit season. Although I have this darling striped bikini ($93) featured here, I am really a tankini girl because I can keep all my bits undercover and still sample that delicious BBQ while out on the lake with friends. (Yes, the lake - Missouri is a bit far from the sparkly blue ocean, which is where I would rather be, but hey, no sharks!)

This suit by Nautica ($102, click on all pictures to buy suits - i know, i shouldn't make it so easy to spend money) is adorable, and I wish I could add it to my collection. But I must restrain myself from another impulse online purchase (I am sure you know what I mean!).

I have always been a bit partial to giraffes (they were my fave wild animal growing up as a tall girl) so I love this one ($84 top, $54 bottom) at Nordstrom. It also helps that this color combo is great for my red hair and complexion.
This electric purple one from American Apparel ($45) is hot, as Paris Hilton would say. If I could pull it off, I would, especially since bright colors are so now. Happy Swimsuit Season, my little fishies!


Sarah said...

Impulse online purchases....hard to control, aren't they!? Very cute suits by the way, especially the top one!

glamour girly said...

Yes, the impulse online purchases are hard to control, especially during Victoria's Secret Semi Annual Sale! My personal favorite swimsuit is the Nautica one...

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

^ ughh the internet makes it so easy to shop especially with the new visa debit cards that anybody can get shopping on the street is soon going to be a thing of the past hahah! I love the ones you picked out, especially the last one from American Apparel.